
Forever Young: The Best Celebrity Anti-Aging Advice

As you get older, your thoughts might turn to how you can enter your later years with grace. While you might not be sure what the best cream to use might be, there are a group of people with all of the details you need to know. Celebrities get some of the best insight into the beauty world and when it comes to looking young and fresh, they’re way ahead of the curve. Want to look your very best, no matter what your age? It’s time to listen to the experts!

Don’t Wait, Hydrate!

It’s fair to say that Demi Moore looks better than ever. If you thought her secret to looking so young and fresh was a closely guarded secret, however, think again. The star is said to follow a strict regime of piling on the moisture, hydrating her skin no matter the hour. Taking the time to cleanse and moisturize your skin at the start and end of the day can make all the difference to how you look over time. Even if you feel ready to hit the hay, taking the extra 5 minutes it takes to throw on a little moisturizer can help your skin to look fresh and plump, even when you’re feeling tired.

Cater To Your Hair Tone

As you get older, your hair color can shift and fade and if you want to avoid dyeing your locks, there are some natural steps you can take. If you’re a redhead, like Nicole Kidman, try rinsing your hair with cranberry juice when you’re in the shower. The drink might help to boost your color and keep it looking vibrant as you get older. And if you’re a blond? Kidman recommends dousing your locks in champagne at the end of a shower. While this kind of splurge might only be occasional, it can really make a difference to your tone and shade.

Keep Your Hair In Check

The kind of haircut you have can define how the world sees you; just ask Jennifer Aniston. Getting the right kind of cut and color to match your skin tone as you get older can make all the difference. What suits you at one age might not necessarily continue to bring out your best features as you get older, so make sure you pay attention to your skin tone and prominent features. While Aniston might have opted for a similarly shaped “Rachel” cut over the years, she changed the style as she got older, lightening up the color to draw attention to her eyes. Sun-kissed highlights and soft layers frame the face, lifting what nature already gave her!

Keep It Flexible

It’s not all about beauty secrets when it comes to anti-ageing. By moving your body in the right kind of way, you can keep yourself looking supple and in great shape as you get older! Celebrities like Diane Lane have turned to yoga as a way of looking their best and the results are clear to see. The muscle strengthening activity keeps the muscles toned and supple, helping the skin to retain its elasticity. Helping you to feel more relaxed, yoga can also prevent stress from showing up in your complexion, giving you a fresher, more youthful appearance!

Indulge When You Can

While your daily routine should be enough to keep you looking at your very best, there’s nothing wrong with indulging yourself a little star treatment from time to time. Celebrities like Halle Berry don’t look like they do by chance and by visiting a master facialist every once in awhile, she continues to look at her very best. Treating yourself to a specialist treatment every few months is a great way to give your skin a natural boost and help it to look revitalized. Doing so at the start of every new season can help even more, making it easier for you to adapt to sudden changes in temperature.

Drink It Up

Water is great for practically every part of your body, not least the appearance of your skin. Getting your fill of the stuff can help to boost your skin’s appearance and keep you well hydrated as you get older. Stars like Naomi Watts understand the benefits of drinking enough water. Balancing a healthy intake of water with a bi-monthly facial habit, the actress keeps her skin looking soft and supple with barely any effort. Now that’s something we can all aim towards!